Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tips for Starting a Firesale for Quick Online Profit

The term of 'firesale' in Internet marketing means a sales promotion where a product is sold at an extremely low price and then for every few days, the seller will set a higher price for the product. A firesale promotion often lasts for 7 days and after that period the offer will be terminated forever.

For instance, if you are arranging a firesale for your software and set the promotion period for a week. The price structure for your firesale could be like this:

Day Today Lowest Price
Day 1 - 2 $15
Day 3 - 4 $20
Day 1 - 2 $25
Sale ends $35

Firesale works because the great price it offers on a limited time. Customers generally want things at a discounted price and firesales are target on this instinct specifically. So, even though they don't need the product immediately, they still will rush to buy it as they can only enjoy the low price once only.

After the customers bought your product through a firesale, some of them will spread the word out. They will let other people know about your great deal and thus, referring free potential customers to you.

Firesale often used by Internet marketers who sell info-products. They did this not just for increasing their sales but also to create a good market for info-products.

A firesale needs to be:

Time Limited: The sale promotion can only be categorized as a firesale if it bound by a time span. It can be one week, 10 days or other short periods. A firesale cannot keep on indefinitely.

Low Prices: A firesale is set up to earn quick profit and dispose your stocks quickly, so the sales promotion has to be offering a great discount prices so that it can effectively draw people attention and entice people pick up something they like, for a discount.

Strong Purpose: There must be a clear purpose for a firesale. For example, if you want to fund your children’s education, or if you want to buy a car, you may set up such a sale and earn some extra income.

When you are establishing an Internet firesale to push your products, you need to keep in mind a few things:

Product awareness - You need to determine how far your sale promotion has spread across the Internet; how wide the details of your products are known. Through several Internet marketing methods, you can reach out to your target group worldwide. There is also a need to know whether the people who ask about your product are actually interested.

Pricing: Pricing is a powerful marketing method. Keeping the prices low will increase both your products popularity and the demand. A firesale will raise product price every few day, but the customers will still purchase the product as it is actually still being offered at a discount. This is how the seller gains a great deal of fast profit.


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