My First Wordpress Blog Launched
After about 20 hours of hard learning and work, I finally completed the setting up process for my Wordpress blog and published it on the Internet. The URL of my new blog is:
This new blog is about home business. I will post everything related to home business in this blog. So if you are interested to start a home business or find some ways to make money at home. You can check out this new blog often, you might find some info and content helpful for your home business start-up and growth.
My goal is to achieve financial freedom through blog marketing and SEO. My existing blog, Money Maker Info has made a living for me but still a long way to reach financial freedom. So, I will use this new blog to help me make more money online in order to achieve financial freedom faster. Right now I just added two money making programs into this new blog, which are Google AdSense and a banner ad from CJ affiliate network. I will be adding a few more money makers into it once I get a good amount of daily traffic.
Installing and setting a Wordpress blog up isn't easy as I thought. I did read a few free Wordpress tutorial I found from Google search engine. There are helpful but unfortunately they don't cover everything. I know that it is not possible to cover everything in one article or one video tutorial. These people are kind enough to provide free Wordpress tutorial, I understand I cannot expect them to tell me specifically from A to Z.
Anyway, If you too are now learning how to set up a Wordpress blog now, you may try this link.
One good thing about Wordpress is that you can optimize your blog in almost any way you like by modifying the code of your Wordpress theme. If you know not much about editing your theme, you still manage to optimize your blog to the way you like by installing different types of Wordpress plugins. Here's is a link to a list of plugins (or at least a few of the plugins in the list) that most bloggers need for their blogs:
A Guide to the Wordpress Plugins Used on Our Blog
To me, it is fun to install plugins because my blog's look will change exactly according to my preference after activated my plugins. There are so many useful plugins available free on the Internet, but for now I only installed 3 plugins. I will be using more plugins in future.
The 3 plugins I currently use are:
All in One SEO Pack - This plugin has been suggested by many well known bloggers. I tested it on my blog, it is really good for blog on-page search engine optimization. It provides most of the things you need for on-page SEO. You can add title tag, write a long meta description for on your home page. And also you can have a unique title tag and meta description for each of your pages. However, All in One SEO doesn’t work on all Wordpress theme.
Akismet - This plugin was included in Wordpress 2.3.2. It helps reduce spam comments. You'll need a API key to use it.
Mighty AdSense - It lets you insert your AdSense ads within your post entries and increase your AdSense CTR.
I will be testing different features of Wordpress in the coming weeks and will post it here again when I find something good about Wordpress.
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