Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Make Money Online with a Blog

Making money online is not too hard in today's economy even if you have passion and will power to work hard. Here is the step by step process one can follow to start making money with a blog:

1. Start a blog - you must have a blog at least if you are aiming at earning some decent amount of money on internet. Create a blog around a topic you are most knowledgeable about and that people are interested in reading. You can use Google Trends service to see what people are actually searching most on internet recently. Once you have decided the topic for your blog, start a free blog on if you are new to blogging.

2. Seo friendly URL and Titles - if you are creating a blog about a particular niche, think of including any of your niche term in your blog URL. But try to limit your URL length to minimum. Because it will be ready difficult for your readers to remember your blog address if it contain lots of characters. Once you have decided a seo friendly URL for your blog, next comes your blog Title. Don't forget to mention the keyword you want to target with this blog in your blog title.

3. Write articles - write some articles on your blog with an aim to target different keywords of your niche. You should first start with less competitive keywords and create articles around them. If possible, you should include videos and images in your articles to make your topic more understandable.

4. Submit your articles on social networks - Once Google cached down your latest articles, you should think of submitting some of your interesting articles on social network websites like Digg, Propeller, Delicious, StumbleUpon and Reddit. With these networks, you should aim at sharing your favorite stories with your followers and friends on Twitter and Facebook.

5. Google Adsense widgets - once you see some traffic coming on your blog from search engines, look for ways to monetize it. And when it comes about monetization, Google Adsense is everyone choice. If you already have an Adsense account, add Adsense widgets in your blog template where you want to show Google Adsense ads. And in case you don't have an Adsense account, apply for one today with your best website or blog that you have.


Product Launch Will Become a Success Online

If you're looking to start an online business that revolves around a specific product, you need to know that you need to generate awareness and excitement among your target market to become successful. This is not just about letting your potential customers know that your products exist. It is making an impact that is big enough for them to take interest. The best way to go about this is to create huge publicity before your actual product launch. Listed below are steps you can follow to make sure you start selling your products as soon as they are available.

1) Develop Partnerships

Create a network with other entrepreneurs in your niche. Your partners can help you advertise your product as well as give you tips on how to approach your target market. You can offer them commission on sales so that you don't need to shell out some money even before you earn anything.

2) Build Excitement Before the Launch

Be sure you make good use of all sorts of media to publish teasers and create buzz. You can publish videos, post in blogs, and attract attention in forums. Apart from getting your partners to help you promote your product, ask your friends and relatives to help you market it through word of mouth. You can also place a countdown timer on your site to encourage even more excitement for the day of your product launch.

3) Have a Proper Email Marketing Campaign

Allow people to sign up for updates on your website. This will give you an indication of how popular your offering has become even before it has launched. Keep in mind that each individual that subscribes to your list is already a potential customer. Provide them with free and useful information and continue to build up excitement through your emails. On the exact day of your product launch, you can send out another email to let them know that your product is already out for the taking. Try tracking which subscribers actually make a purchase as soon as you launch. After about a week or two, follow up on those who haven't made a purchase.

You can also use your email marketing campaign to encourage your partners before and after your product launch. Since they have something to gain from the success of your online business, they wouldn't mind getting follow ups from you. Just be sure that you treat them as partners and not employees.

It is impossible to have a successful product launch on your own especially if you are just a beginner and you still have no reputation to boast within your industry. If you don't approach product launches correctly, you can easily end up with no sales or even no traffic to your website for weeks or even months after your products have been made available. You should welcome all the help you can get and follow time-tested tips to ensure success as soon as you launch.


eBay Auctions The First Time

If this is the first time that you will be setting up your auction on eBay to sell your item and start making money online, you may find the whole process easier to comprehend in just five easy steps.

First Step: Create a seller's account on eBay
Let's say that you were able to make old transactions on eBay before, this means that you already have an active account. So all you have to do is to log in to that account and then click on the 'Sell' link located at the top most part of your eBay page on the toolbar, and then click on 'Create a seller's account.' If you haven't had any transactions before, you may click on the 'register' link which is located below the toolbar, click 'Sell' and then click on 'Create a seller's account.' Then after, all you need to do is to follow instructions accordingly.

Second Step: You should determine what item you want to sell
You may look into selling books or CD's for the first time, or maybe other stuff. You can always find something interesting to sell and make profit from it.

Third Step: Submit the item that you want to sell
Have your item listed by clicking on the 'Sell' link. You may start with choosing a category that would best describe the item, or have eBay choose the best category for you. Create a very good title and description for your item, and don't forget to add in keywords which you think people would be typing in on the search box and land into your item.

From here, you can set your own starting price, such as $0.01, which would help in drawing people's attention to your bid. Then you can set up a duration which has a range from three days upwards. The duration will be based on your preference; you may choose whichever is comfortable for you. Take note that this is also the part where you can upload the picture that you have taken, so the customers can get a glimpse of the item you are selling. After this, you are ready to select the payment method that would be best for you.

Fourth Step: be patient enough to wait for your item to sell
Remember that eBay will not leave you behind in getting your item sold. They provide tons of hints and tips to make your item more appealing to the buyer. Even if your item does not sell straight away, you may still end up receiving a lot of questions from potential bidders. If you want to seal a deal, be sure to respond to the questions accordingly.

It is not necessary that once you post an item, that it has to sell immediately. If you are not successful in selling the item, then you can post it again without having to pay a fee.

Fifth Step: Get payment from the winning bid and have it posted
Your buyer will be informed via his or her email, regarding the process on how to pay you for the item. Before you send the item to the customer, make sure that you get the payment first.

After receiving the payment, you can then continue to ship the item to the buyer. Be sure to double check the shipping details available from the confirmation email that you received from eBay, and then you're done.


Make Money Using Social Media

If you have a great product and have put up a website in the hopes of being able to make money online, there are some important and useful tools out there that you need to get on board with. Social media is everywhere. Practically everyone that has access to the internet is participating in some form of social media, even grandmas! With everyone using Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and more, there is more opportunity than ever to reach potential clients than ever before. These services are at the forefront of online money making today, and represent a whole new way of marketing that is more direct and personalized, not to mention immediate than ever before.

Online merchants like yourself have long puzzled over how to get the word out about their products and their site. They know that the only way to make money online is to get people to visit their site. This competition to get traffic has become fearsome and huge amounts of money are being dumped into things like SEO, ad words campaigns and more. Social media is a great way to get the word out about your business, without having to shell out money. Any business that hopes to succeed in online money making but does not have a Facebook page and a Twitter account is not using all of the tools that they have at their fingertips, and is likely to lose customers to more internet savvy competitors.

Facebook and MySpace are a great place to introduce people to what you have to offer. Setting up a profile in these two communities couldn't be easier. Once you have established your business's identity, it is time to go to work building a network. If your target market is the younger crowd, then MySpace is the way to go to increase your online money making potential. If you are looking to market to adults, then Facebook is a better bet. Both offer groups that you can join or even the ability for you to start a group. Finding the right groups can help you connect with potential customers that are either in your area or who are already looking for and talking about a business or product like yours. Finding groups like these helps make it even easier to make money online, because you are able to market to exactly the people that you are looking for.

Twitter, the micro-blogging uber-giant, is another great way to reach people that might be into whatever you are selling. With Twitter, you can make money online by turning the searching game around. Instead of trying to find ways to help people that might be interested in your products to find you, you can find people that might be interested for yourself. Twitter allows you to search for people that have "tweeted" about topics that are relevant to whatever you are selling. Once you find those people, you can follow them and reply to their tweets, inviting them to your website. This sort of direct, personalized marketing has never been available before and is a key to future online money making.


Making Money from Home

To make money doing nothing in first days of internet was an easy task. There was no competition, search engines ranked on different way than today, everything was easier. Today try to search in Google "make money online" or similar query and You will be amazed how much results You will find. There is a lot of sites fighting for first page or first place.

On the other side, money that You can make is still good. To be honest it is actually better than ever. Advertisers pays a lot for make money online related therms, since they market, consumers of those services raised too. So where are You in this jungle? You want to make money online but You don't know how? maybe You tried but nothing? Well simpliest way, believe me, is to focus on one thing. On one technique and to be patient ,to work and to be patient. And again to work and to be patient, until you see first results. Must people loose enthusiasm if after first few or even more than few month don't see any results. But actually, that is totally normal. That is naturally result of big competition as I already said. There is a lot of money makers there who want to learn making some money from home and start making money, but unfortunately or lucky :) that will not going so easy to everyone.

By the way think what situation,what would be if everyone who today decide to make money from home, tomorrow start earning, where from that all money can come from? :) Anyway lets back to our subject: making money from home with no or little work. Like I said find one experienced blogger who write about making money at internet, and instead jumping from one to another way, just concentrate on one way that looks most familiar to You. So for example if You decided to start blogging or make money in affiliate marketing, just be focused for six months, and don't give up jumping on another technique when first doesn't give any results in first months. That is greatest mistake. Peoples loose years jumping from another to another technique of making money from home. Point is that You need only one but to be focused when You start earning few thousands daily from one money making technique then you can go to next one. There is no about techniques, it is about peoples, or in other words every technique that You find on Internet , really can make money, but not everyone just to those who are patient and don't give up.

I heard a lot of time comments like: there is no way that is possible to make anything from home, and I said that it is! Not something, you can make what ever you want, it is not just phrase that money is around us. So please believe me, be focused on one way to make money from home and money will came!


Blog Exper : Recipe to Become a Blogger

Blogs are the best platform that you can get to promote your talent and any online or offline venture. Many people are trying to make money online through blogs. Even moms and grandmas are making money just by sitting in front of the monitor screen and giving golden tips on beauty and child care to people who want it. You come along many people now-a-days who get the most out of their blogs and are content with the amount of money they make.

Do you want to make 1500$ monthly? If you do, than here are nine tips that I can give you for making money online and believe me if you set-up a target of 1500$ you’ll make much more by the end of the month.

1. Observe the trends around you and choose niche for your blog accordingly. Niche is the main topic around which you’ll build your blog; it can be technology or even football.

2. Whatever your topic might be, attach a RSS feed widget to your blog. It’ll lead the search engines to show your posts in their optimization results.

3. Increase traffic by commenting on other blogs and ask them if you can be a guest blogger there. Comment on popular blogs and learn from them.

4. Add plug-ins to your blog, in order to attract more people. Many blog hosting sites provide plug-ins to show weather updates or even to stop spam comments from popping in.

5. Make your blog SEO wise, which will be easily available on search engines i.e. by using key-words in your posts.

6. As the customer is always right, therefore, write by keeping in mind the audience who’ll read it. As Robert Half says, “When the customer comes first, the customer will last”. Therefore, if you want your visitors to become your subscribers than, keep their interest in mind above everything else.

7. Keep your posts original and up-to-date. Write in a style that would become your trademark, your post should be your signature, hence, it should be written in a personal way.

8. Post daily and frequently on any topic that you feel would attract people like magnets, it can even be something on giving gifts.

9. Use your blog to provide reviews on anything new in the market, make it informational and useful for others. The content on your blog should be of quality and it should be in ample amount for search engines to pick up.

With all the nine steps done, you’ll be getting the most out of your blog on daily basis. Always set a goal at the start of every month and try your best to achieve it. Give your blog your extra effort and time. Once you make a fan following through your blog, now what you have to do is to live up to their expectations. There are phases when people tend to stop writing, but you should be strong and determined enough to get out of that phase in life.


Some Easy Ways to Make Money Online

Most of us know Craigslist as the biggest classified website on internet where we can find items we want on cheap prices. But there are very few people who actually know how to make money online with Craigslist. In this small guide, you will be presented with some easy ways to make money with Craigslist:

Sell items on Craigslist - this is the best method if you need some instant cash. Spend some time in your house, office and garage and find items that are of no use for you. If you have a big list of such waste items, make that list for sale on Craigslist. When someone agrees to buy your items with the prices you specified, you will be able to make some cash in exchange of waste items.

Buying and reselling items - another way to make money online with Craigslist is buying items at cheap rates from wherever you can find and then resell them on Craigslist with some profit. And the key to get maximum profit from Craigslist is going for items that are in high demand and where there is big difference between buying and reselling rates.

Finding a job - You can even use Craigslist to find both full time and part time jobs. If you are unemployed, you can use their service to find a full time job. And in case you already have a job, you can use Craigslist website to find a part time job that will help you earn some extra cash. You can find jobs by making search with the keywords related to your position or according to the kind of work you perform.

Advertise your services - if you are good in something, you can offer this as a service on Craigslist and charge for your services. If people need the kind of services you are offering, they will contact you and pay good amount of money for your work. Suppose you are an expert writer about a particular industry, you can post a classified on Craigslist mentioning your services and rates per article or per word that you write.

Apart from these methods, there are many more ways to make money online with Craigslist. So which method you are going to use to earn some extra cash from Craigslist?


Make Money Online with Twitter

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past year, you have undoubtedly heard of the latest web craze, Twitter. This very popular micro-blogging and social networking site allows users to follow one another and update their status via “Tweets.” Each Tweet is visible to all of that person’s followers and anyone else that somehow comes across his or her profile. It’s a really simple concept, and it may seem far-fetched that anyone could actually make money from a short 160 character post about what they ate for lunch or a bad movie that they just watched. However, this simplicity has actually proven to be a remarkably powerful marketing tool, and Twitter has now taken the internet world by storm.

Whether you are a professional blogger or internet marketer, or a college kid or house mom trying to make a few extra bucks, Twitter is an excellent resource that cannot be overlooked as a means of making money online. Countless programs have emerged that provide users with easy ways of making money through their Twitter accounts. And of course there is always affiliate marketing through Twitter to consider as well. But the focus of this post will be on one of the easiest and most effective programs that enables you to make money from your Tweets called RevTwt.

How It Works
RevTwt is a free service that allows Twitter users to post ads in their Tweets. Each time someone clicks on one of your ads, you get paid anywhere from $0.02 to $0.25. It’s as simple as that. You can select from a huge variety of ads that are organized by categories like “Health and Fitness,” “Make Money,” or “Travel.” This is nice because it allows you to post ads that are related to your interests or that relate to your niche if you have a blog or other website. If you are too busy or just lazy, RevTwt also has an auto-post feature that will Tweet up to 3 ads per day for you, so you literally don’t have to do anything but wait for clicks and money to accumulate.

How Much Money Can You Make?
A few cents per click may seem pretty miniscule, but let me tell you, it really starts to add up, especially if you have a lot of followers viewing your Tweets. The ads are usually pretty intriguing and even one ad per day can generate quite a few clicks. Also, RevTwt has a really generous referral program that pays you 20% of all of the money your referred members earn for life. So if you have a blog or website, you can definitely refer a lot of other people and start making money off of their earnings too. RevTwt even allows you to add up to 10 different Twitter accounts, so you can really post a lot of ads and get a lot of clicks if you are motivated enough. Personally, I signed up with two Twitter accounts and within a week I already had 15 referrals and about 90 clicks. And my numbers continue to rise. So if you haven’t already checked it out, be sure to look into getting a free RevTwt account today.

A Few Last Words of Advice
I have nothing but positive remarks about the RevTwt program, and it has definitely increased my online earnings with very little extra work. The only caution I would give is not to post too many ads in one day. For one, Twitter doesn’t like spammers and this can potentially get your account suspended. And also, the more ads you post, the more annoying you can be to your followers and the less likely they will be to click on the links. This can also be a problem if you use the auto-post feature. I usually post about 2-3 ads per day mixed in with about 10 regular Tweets and I have had some pretty amazing results. Check out RevTwt to try it for yourself!


Qualities Need To Look For In Affiliate Programs

Once you have decided to get in affiliate marketing to make money online, you have to choose an affiliate programs suitable for you, which is not always an easy task. It is not easy because there are numerous programs and vendors to choose from.

Actually, there are some things to reflect on when looking for an affiliate program. You need to do that in order to avoid future problems, like not being able to get your commissions. Let’s go through some aspects of affiliate programs that needs to be taken in consideration prior of joining any of them.

1. Go for the Free Affiliate Programs

As there are countless of available free affiliate programs, you need no money to start up your work, and you should go for them at first. In case you have to pay for the affiliate program to get started, perform a background check on them, as we are dealing with a lot of scams these days.

2. Free Marketing Tools

There are programs offering a great deal of free marketing tools, so it is essential to choose such affiliate programs that will ease up things for you. Some of them are providing you ready made banners or even better, various website templates, saving you a great deal of time and work.

3. Reputation of the Products

Check out the reputation of the affiliate program’s merchandises. That is highly important, as there is no use promoting something that you cannot sell. You have to ensure that the products up for trade are of top quality and that the vendor is offering top quality post sale services and assistance.

4. Regular Payment

One of the most vital aspects you have to look for is that the program to pay on a regular basis, as you wouldn’t want for your payments to be delayed too long. Get in touch with others and ask for their opinion regarding some good programs from the commission payment point of view.

5. Payout Rate

As different programs have different payout rates – fluctuating from a rate of 10% up to 60% - you should choose the affiliate programs offering the highest possible payout rate. Nevertheless, market around for the products prices, as you really don’t want to heavily promote products that costs more than they normally would, regardless of the extremely high payout rate. You will find difficult to promote and sell products that are well overpriced.

6. Choose Two-tier Affiliate Programs

You definitely have to go for multi-tier affiliate programs exclusively. That will enable you to earn money from your referrals on at least two levels deep. That will ensure you that you are making money from multiple streams of passive revenue, an aspect that you should not neglect.


Traffic through Viral Marketing

Viral marketing isn't just for online businesses to gain attention but also anyone who run a website or blog to make money online can consider using viral marketing to generate profitable traffic for their site.

Because it relies mainly on word of mouth, it isn't quite as expensive as many other internet marketing strategies nor is it quite as difficult to maintain. Viral marketing counts on consumers' testimonials and ability to influence their friends and family. If you like what you have to offer, they will refer you to people they know and this makes them your advertisers at no cost. This type of marketing strategy has proven to be among the most effective ones in bring in tons of income for online businesses and it can be done in many different ways. Among them are through articles, freeware, newsletters, and videos.

1) Articles

Using articles for viral marketing can be done in many different ways. Captivating articles that spark intrigue and interest within a certain niche can be submitted to article directories or blogs. Publishing them in platforms that allow comments are best as they provide an avenue for people to participate. Allowing people to easily share the article through social bookmarking and social networking sites as well as through email would also be a big help in viral marketing through articles.

2) Freeware

Come up with a tool that is relevant to your target market and distribute it for free. You can make this yourself or hire a programmer to do so. It could be a utility or even a simple game. No matter what it is, be sure you brand it for your online business and allow it to drive traffic to your website. Software directories will accept your freeware and put it out for distribution. You can also encourage its users to share it by adding a send function. Traffic to your site will surely boom with this viral marketing tactic.

3) Newsletters

Compose and distribute informative newsletters that will encourage readers to forward your emails to their friends and relatives. This will help you attract more people without additional costs or effort. It will also lead to more potential buyers and even more website traffic.

4) Videos

Publishing videos can be very effective for viral marketing because people simply enjoy watching them. If you come up with an entertaining or informative video that is relevant to your target market, you can easily gain tons of attention.

Although viral marketing can be very effective for online businesses, you must keep in mind that it can also harm the reputation of your company. Word of mouth is something you cannot control and it would be up to you to make sure that you don't get negative feedback. You can do this by simply making sure that you deliver what you promise and sell only products of high quality. Never underestimate small details and always strive for perfection. Once your online business has been liked by several buyers, you are off to a bigger and better market.


Best Way to Make Money Online

Searching for ways to earn money online? In that case, you must have stumbled upon affiliate marketing. Actually, affiliate marketing is believed to be one of the greatest methods to earn money on the Internet.

Affiliate marketing is all about signing up to a couple of affiliate programs and advertising their products. You might earn up to 60% per sale in commissions.

Let me tell you the main motives why so many people choose affiliate marketing for earning money online.

Total Control of Your Working Program
Affiliate marketing basically means that you are in charge, without bosses and that there is no strict working program from nine to five. You make your own working program; actually you are working when and as much as you want. Naturally, if you really want to earn some money you need to have some self control, and respect the established working program.

Possibility to Work Everywhere
As a matter of fact you have total freedom to work from anywhere that you like, as you are forced to go to the office every morning. It is up to you whether you prefer to work from the comfort of your home or in a café. The only requirement is that the particular location to have internet connection.

No Need to Have Your Own Products
As described above you will be advertising the products of the affiliated company, thus you are forced to have your own merchandise. You have to focus on advertising and promoting their products and not on creating your very own products, saving you time, money and effort.

Small Initial Investment Is Needed
You are not required to make any investments related to your products, as you are not dealing with your own products. The signup process with the affiliate programs is the kick start of your work; remember, the majority of the programs are free of any charge! At this point, absolutely no investment is required. Instead, it is recommended to build your own affiliate website. You will need a domain and web hosting that will most probably cost you under $60 per year.

No Need to Take Care of Logistic Issue
As far as the logistics concerns, that doesn’t concern you, as the merchants are shipping the purchased products to the clients. All you have to do, is to send the prospects directly to the merchant’s website, thus you are earning commissions on each and every purchase. You are not wasting valuable and considerable amount of time with shipping the products, enabling you to concentrate all your efforts on advertising.

Control the Kind of Products to Sell
Another advantage of being an affiliate marketer is the fact that it is up to you what types of products you will be advertising. You may choose to advertise only the top and popular products providing the opportunity to earn a higher amount of money. Even more, you might go only for those products that are related to your personal website, enabling you to earn even more money.


A Home-Based Money Maker

Article marketing is a modern and beneficial business on the internet that can be extremely effective if the right approach and the right niche is chosen. There are plenty of ways to make money from article writing from home. There is nothing special that you need. You only need an urge to write. If you have that thing then you will surely make money from home just by writing articles. There are three major methods to make money from the article writing.

* You can publish your articles on the websites that pay you for these publications. There are plenty of such websites on the internet today. Few of these websites will make upfront payments and others will pay you a percentage of the revenue that your articles will generate. So if you publish enough articles, you will have a constant income from these articles. This residuary income will increase over time and you will start getting handsome money after certain time.

* The other way to make money from article writing is to sell your services to others. You can write for other website owners for money. There is reasonable money in this and you will make some extra money to pay the bills etc. there are even such website owners who want high quality articles and they will pay you great money for that. So selling your services is another option but it will not generally let you make huge money.

* The third way to make money from article writing is by writing articles for your own website. This will surely promote your website and you will get money from advertising etc on your website. Generally this is the best way to make some real good money.

Remember to publish your articles on those websites which understand the search engine optimization and keywords usage. These websites will help you to attract traffic to your website and you will generate good money from the advertising programs. If you have published your content on the websites which are not that reliable and they are not that good at search engine optimization, you will not get any special number of increases in the visitors to your website.

Article marketing is the best advertising method for your website. It leaves link backs and with time, you will see that there would be a serious increase in the visitors to your website. You can publish as many articles as many you want and then sit at home and just keep making money from the increased number of visitors. Remember to write a lot of articles as this will guarantee a huge number of visitors and its only then that you will make huge money.


Keyword Optimization

To make money online is a job that not many people can effort to master. One of the big obstacles of making money online is the competitor. There are too little places but yet so many people are trying to compete for the same thing.

Now days, most people are using search engine such as Google and Yahoo as their source of information. It is like wearing a shirt or walking. And to make the search engine work effectively, keyword is needed. Keywords are playing a major role when people looking for an information on search engine. That is why keyword is very important to the webmaster.

However, there is million of webmasters are concentrating on similar keyword such as make money online and it is very difficult for small webmaster like me to compete. This does not mean that the opportunity is closed.

One thing that small webmaster can do to increase their online revenue is to optimize their keyword. Select a keyword that less used by webmaster but still searchable by people. Google Adwords Keyword analyzer tool is one of the best tools to select for best suit keyword for your blog or website. For example, the most popular keyword for make money online is ‘make money online’ itself. Instead of concentrate on most popular keyword we can use less popular but still bringing traffics such as ‘making online money’ or ‘online make money’.


Smart Money through Blogging

Want to work smartly? Want to make money without breaking a sweat? Want to enjoy having a fortune from the comfort of your home? Than of course making money from blogs is the right option for you. Sit home, use your talent, engage your mind and reproduce something efficient which everyone would like to read. Blogging effectively doesn’t require much hard work but it does require persistence.

If you’re a business entrepreneur or have an urge to write than all that you have to do, is to have a blog of your own. Your blog can be of any type, it can be an informational blog, personal blog, and business blog, a blog focusing around poetry or art or even a blog revolving around your hobbies. You can write about anything on this planet and if by chance you’re an extra-terrestrial than about the galaxy or life on mars. Well, all you have to do is choose a center point of your blog around which you should focus. Your posts for instance should revolve around your main area of concern, now that can be anything from technology to gardening. You can cater multiple passions of yours in just one blog.

Now to make money, some things should be kept in mind;

• You should know what you’re writing about,
• Most importantly have a flagship blog and be active in your blogosphere,
• Write about anything which you think would interest your audience,
• Use keywords in your posts which would easily be found through search engines,
• Concentrate on one topic at a time,
• Make sure that you have endless knowledge on the topic you choose,
• Write in short paragraphs,
• Your blog should be informative and it can be challenging too.

Apart from the above mentioned points there are some very basic principles which you should know. Your blog should be unique and anything you write should be original. Your blog is a reflection of your own personality; therefore, it should reflect honesty, integrity, individuality and versatility. If your blog encompasses around all these things than congratulations you’re on your way to success.

You might be sarcastically judging my interpretations of making money through an honest blog but let me tell you how things work. The more unique and original your topic is, the more people would visit your blog and the more traffic you get, companies might give you advertisements to post on your blog. You can even write reviews and give your opinion, like this many renowned companies would hire you for writing articles for them or who knows your blog may be sold out to one of the internet tycoons if you keep your standards up.


Start an Internet Business

Starting an internet business may sound simple and easy, but it's not exactly like that. It takes a lot of time and effort to succeed and get to that "flowing" mode. If you're thinking about starting an internet business, you'll have to do several things in order to lay a healthy base, which is crucial in the development process of your business.

1. Find your niche

There is a million of niches, and it's not just that simple to choose one of them. You'll have to do some analysis before you pick your niche. Basically, it's the best to choose a niche that you're interested in, so it doesn't get boring for you. Ideally, it's the best to find a niche that interests you and that is profitable. Analyze your competition and see if you'll be up to competing with them.

2. Analyze the market

It's of huge importance to analyze the market thoroughly before getting into this venture. You have to check other sites in that market, you have to check the supply and demand, you have to check what approach will work the best.

3. Great domain name

Don't settle for any domain name. Go for, if not the best, then one of the best in that niche. Ideally, you will choose a dot com, with your keyword(s) in it. Don't choose a domain name with too many dashes, because search engines don't like that. Choose a domain name that is short, brandable, easy to remember and contains your keywords.

4. Cool design

If you're not a designer, hire a designer to design your website. It's really worth it. A website with a great design will be much more pleasing for the eyes of your visitors, thus making them to remember your site and they may even come back.

5. Clean code

If you're not a coder, hire a coder to code your design. Demand valid XHTML/CSS and compatibility with all browsers. That way you'll be safe, both with your visitors and search engines.

6. Invest in content

Content is king, they say. And it's really true... The more content you have, the better your site will look in the eyes of the search engines. Add more and more content each day and you will have no worries.

7. Invest in advertising

Don't think that you don't need to spend money on advertising and link building, because you have to. You have to let everyone know that your site is alive and online, and awaiting visitors.


Choosing a Niche

Websites are now commonly becoming the fundamental stones to making a living online, however, choosing a niche can be rather difficult when starting out your first web page. However, here, I have listed simple informative reminders that you can easily follow step by step to first and lastly, discover a niche that you can both financially benefit wallet wise and be interested to write about it as well. Choosing a niche should be your core decision and not some random Google AdSense keyword that is telling you otherwise.

1) Like What You Write

Simply, "like what you write" is a simple phrase that I tell most website owners and Bloggers to follow because if your not all that passionate about your niche, your most likely to fail before even starting! Writing shouldn't be labor, but rather something you enjoy sharing to the world and be able to make money off it. Don't let keyword tools put you down. If you like to write about dating or romance, good stick with it because in the end, you can be making more with the niche you like than writing about house loans, lawyers, all that boring stuff. I'll show you how.

2) Do it For Your Readers

At first your first objective maybe to create a web page to make money with sales, and affiliates, however, in the end, you will soon realize that your readers is the core of your website. Treat your readers with respective and provide valuable information directed to them, and not shove 50 affiliates in their faces. Build a relationship with them and build trust from the bottom up. You will be making way more money that way, and it creates a nicer reader atmosphere as well.

3) Google Adsense Isn't Everything

Most often when you go through famous webmaster forums like Digital Point, you hear people yapping about how much they got for every click because they choose a great niche, such as loans, but in most cases, they don't know a single thing about the topic nor are they very passionate about the niche, and they end up quitting anyhow. In simple words, there are other methods to making money than just Google Adsense. There are plenty of methods for monetizing your website such as affiliate networks, CPM networks, and etc. For instance, dating, there are hundreds of affiliates that are willing to pay up to $10-$30 per referral. Compare that to those puny $1-$2 loan clicks that you only get every other week.

Simply, if you are passionate about what you write, and you are good at what you do, you will be endeavoring to making a new sustainable income with a niche that you are both passionate about, and can provide you another stream of income to fit your financial needs. Online money making is the future, and you can be making an effort now by and choosing a niche that you love writing about and even earn money off it. Just put a little bit of effort to it, and you can be making a sustainable income online in no time.


Successfully Market on Twitter

The Internet, also known as the “Cyber Media” or the “New Media” is one of the most powerful tools discovered by science – and is a blessing to mankind. It has the ability to compete with the other forms of media in terms of speed, space and simplicity. Internet possesses the unique characteristic of bringing the world news at our fingertips just with the help of a click. It provides us an ocean of information through the various search engines like the Google, Yahoo and Wikipedia etc. Last but not the least the Internet generates enormous revenue through several advertising endorsements.

The social networking sites in Internet (Orkut, Facebook, Myspace, Hi5, Youtube etc) play a significant role in marketing various goods and services. These social networking sites are an excellent pathway of connecting millions of people throughout the world. People are able to contact and interact with one another which generate greater awareness. Thus several advertising endorsements posted in these sites will attract the attention of consumers than the ads posted in other websites. A number of people come across ads posted in Orkut like matrimonial websites advertisements, car ads, etc.

Advertisements can be animated graphics, motion pictures or still images – their main aim is to grab customer attention, subsequently get them to buy your product or service so that you make money.

Like the other social networking sites, “Twitter” is another place with the help of which brand recognition can be built. Unlike other social media marketing (SMM), twitter is much simpler, easier, and faster. Moreover, twitter offers several advantages too.

Firstly, sending e-mails to people individually is time consuming. Instead of wasting time and energy doing that, one can just post all company alerts here. Customers are updated on the latest alerts as soon as they login to twitter – just at a glance.

Secondly sales can be increased by offering discounts on twitter. Customers can be motivated to join twitter by offering special discounts unique to twitter. It goes a long way in capturing the interest of people.

Thirdly, a sense of fraternity is created through the use of twitter. The customers should be made to feel special through the access to all kinds of information related to the company – so that they feel that they are part of the same family and a sense of oneness is promoted.

Fourthly, target customer of a definite product can be located and approached by knowing about themselves through their profiles on twitter.

Lastly, twitter is an essential tool for doing market research for any business. With the aid of “search function”, we can observe the feedback and opinions of customers.

Thus we see that Internet (especially the social networking sites like twitter) is emerging as shrewd advertising medium in the twenty-first century. Online advertisements have helped people to make their choice and selection of goods of miscellaneous uses. It is boosting consumerism among people and raising aspirations of the people and their standard of living. Internet has proven its persuasive power in influencing human behavior time and again through different advertising endorsements.

Internet marketing is not an easy task. You will have to strike a balance between providing things to your subscriber list and making a profit. If you give too much out for free, you will find it harder to make a sale. If you promote to your list too often, people will begin to see you as desperate to make a sale. Find that all-important balance and watch your profits soar.


Successful as an Affiliate Marketer

Though affiliate marketing is a lucrative way to earn money online, it requires discipline and hard work. The following tips will help you to become successful in your affiliate marketing business:

(i) Product selection:
Product selection is very important. The product should be something in which you personally interested and which have a good demand in the market.

(ii) Create a pre-sell page:
Instead of sending visitors directly to the affiliate website, send them to a pre-sell page which may contain testimonials or reviews about the product. This will help in better conversions.

(iii) Cloak your website links:
Some visitors may avoid visiting your website, if they see an affiliate link in the URL. You can avoid this by cloaking your affiliate link.

(iv) Mailing list:
Build your own mailing list. You may collect e mail addresses of your visitors by offering them some free e books or other freebies. Having your own mailing list will help you to keep contact with your potential customers and offer them your products and services. You may use autoresponders to send out automated e mail messages to the members of your list.

(v) SEO:
Search engine optimization is essential to achieve a high rank in the search engines. Proper SEO techniques (both off-page and on-page) must be applied to your website, which will help it to rank high in the search engine results and drive targeted traffic to it.

(vi) Advertisement:
Use different forms of advertisement to advertise your website. There are some methods which are free whereas some are paid. The most important free method is article marketing which involves writing small articles about various topics related to your website and publishing them in different article directories. You may also use banner advertising, free classified advertising, forum marketing etc. Among the paid ones, the most effective is PPC advertising like 'Google Adwords' and 'Yahoo Search Marketing'.


Making Money Online

There are hundreds of opportunities for making MONEY ONLINE. Some work, some don't. Fill registration forms and get paid, refer your friends and get paid! These are definitely quick and easy ways but I would say not a good option for brain cells!

Why can’t be options for making money online, a little productive, add to ones experience, increase the knowledge base, grill the brain cells and the wish list goes on. In most cases, the online money making ideas are about becoming rich ‘over night’! I would say this investment of ones most precious resource i.e. time is not a good bargain. However, I am still a huge fan of work from home and making money online options!

By ‘little productive’ in making money online, I mean any work that adds value to one’s knowledge, to say the least. And I guess you would agree to that! There are many websites that are working on more or less the same model like Helium, Hubpages, sqidoo and Allvoices submit your content and earn cash rewards.

With the first three sites being extremely popular, I will explain here the model of Allvocies. Allvoices is worlds leading social news network site, where anyone can report news from anywhere in the world. All you need is an internet access, through PC or phone.

Allvoices is running a Brand Incentive Program, by registering with this program you are eligible to earn cash based on the performance of your posted news stories, images and videos. All you have to do is post interesting news articles on the site with supporting images and videos; participate in the community discussions by commenting on others news and start earning. Sounds productive and lucrative?

The benefits I see from this site are; one, you can sharpen your writing skills; two, it keeps one updated to the latest happenings in the world; three, it keeps one informed about how people around us are thinking; four, you will be making money online!

My advice, don’t just get boggled by the dollar signs!


People Search Affiliate Website to Make Money Online

If you have followed this blog for a while, you should have heard of Acme People Search program provided by Tissa Godavitarne. Acme People Search program is a program that anyone can join to start learning and experiencing how to make money online. In this post, you will find specific details about how the program works.

When you join the program, Tissa will provide you a search engine website. You are going to use the website to make money on the Internet. Tissa will guide you in step-by-step to get your website started to generate income. Here's what you need to do:

Step 1
In step one you will sign up for affiliate programs that are free to join. These affiliate programs are linked from your free people search affiliate website (your search engine) for you to promote and drive traffic to. When people use your search engine or click on links offered, you could get paid commissions when they do free or premium searches. At step one, your affiliate links are displayed at 35%....meaning when folks use your search engine, you would have a chance to be credited for commissions earned around a third of the time. After completing this step one, you then upgrade your search engine through step 2 & 3 to increase your profits.

Step 2
This step involves branding your search engine with it's own domain name and hosting to make it more unique and professional. You must use the hosting provided within your Acme People Search back office to brand your website. After you have your own domain name and web hosting, you can now edit your search engine if you have html experience, along with adding more pages for displaying articles and such to make your affiliate website more SEO friendly. After completing step two, your affiliate links are displayed at 65%.

Step 3
This is the only step that Tissa charges a monthly fee for and is also totally optional. In this step, your affiliate links are displayed at 100 percent along with receiving free web traffic from Tissa to generate a guaranteed $125 commission credited to your account and you get access "secret sauce" ingredients. Having your affiliate links displayed at 100% allows you to earn any commissions generated through your people search engine. The “secret sauce” ingredients can increase residual income opportunities and the free traffic provided to you by Tissa gives you the chance to see your affiliate website in action. The minimum pay out to receive your guaranteed commissions is $200 so you will have to earn $75 dollars to get paid the $200 which would be paid to you via PayPal through Tissa's bi-weekly payout schedule. This step comes with a 30 day “risk free” period to help make your search engine a success.

If you are serious about wanting to make money online, you should sign up for your free acme people search affiliate website and complete all three steps located in your back Acme People Search back office for the best results. Visit for common FAQ's along with many of the available resources and income streams offered in the Acme People Search program.


Earning With Pay Per Lead Affiliate Program

Affiliate program is getting more and more popular when it comes to monetize our blog or site, affiliate program is the program that you will get paid when you promote the seller's product, and referring someone to buy the product, you'll get paid either in a fixed one time payment or recurring payment. There are more and more people trying to make more money with affiliate program, they follow the techniques on the internet blindly and end up they get nothing because they're failed in marketing the products. Knowing the right affiliate marketing tips to apply in your work will not only help you earn a lot of money, it will help you build a career out of the online opportunity.

There are also few different types of affiliate program, one of them is called pay per lead affiliate program. Pay per lead affiliate program is becoming popular in the industry, pay per lead affiliate program is the program that pay you for referring someone to sign up or fill up a form with their personal details. It's much more easier to make money with pay per lead affiliate program because there is no sales required.

Here are the tips that you could boost your earning with pay per lead affiliate program :

1) Using Article Marketing Effectiveness
How many of you know the power of article marketing? Article marketing is a way that promotes your product or site by writing articles and submitting them to article directories or others' blog. If you just promote your product in your blog, you will only get minimum exposure, but if you promote your product by writing in others' blog or article directories, you could get maximum exposure. I found this quite effective when it comes to promoting product. Guest posting is one of the type of article marketing, just like what I do in this blog.

2) Knowing Your Product Well
You may need to know your product well before promoting it to your visitors. You need to show your readers that you've actually tried the product and found this quite useful, this increases the trust from your readers. So, you need to know what you're trying to sell to your readers, instead of promoting them blindly, it's not working at all. Of course, it's a plus if you could write a full review about the product that you're promoting.

3) Fire Up Your Email List
Many people are trying to build up their email list by using email autoresponder services such as Aweber and RevResponse. They get up to 5 sales out of the 100 emails that they've sent out, that's considered a good conversion. But this might not work if you don't know the technique of building a strong email list, I suggest you to learn some email marketing technique from this blog or others' blog.

4) Choosing The Right Pay Per Lead Program Network
There are many pay per lead program networks out there, so you need to choose it wisely, choosing the wrong network might waste all of your time in promoting them. If you get to know about a pay per lead affiliate program network, try to search their review on Google search engine, you might get some useful review about them, choose the one that someone had their successful story.

Making money with pay per lead affiliate program might be very interesting, you need to find the best and reliable pay per lead affiliate program on the internet in order to boost your earning.


Friday, July 31, 2009

Make Money With Both Big and Small Websites

One of the greatest implied conflicts in the "make money online" community is the debate whether we should focus on creating small "niche" websites or larger "flagship" websites. As someone who has found success in both niches, I've found the debate to be completely wrong-founded.

This article will introduce you to the two most popular website business models, and will compare them for you to choose.

Small Niche Websites

A small niche website is a website that has just a few dozen articles and is written to rank well for a very specific niche. For example, I built a website that details the basics of information dealing with short term loans.

The website details the basics of student, personal and business short term loans. It isn't amazing. The content isn't breathtaking. But I still make $20 per day.

That website is geared towards the search engines specifically. I focus on content and links -- and that's it. By focusing on writing a good 20-30 articles, you have enough content to rank in Google. By building links, you'll be increasing your ability to rank in Google as well as the other search engines.

The total amount of time to build a website is less than 2 days if you're a fast writer. The time to build links depends, but I usually spend about a month working on a new niche site.

The income is usually limited. I usually make no more than $5-10 per day per website, with the exception of the short-term loan site. But when you build 20 or so small niche websites, you have a relatively easy income stream.

Here are the reasons people like to try small niche websites:

-You don't have to constantly update
-You don't have to constantly manage comments
-You don't have to build links for years
-You can expand as you see fit

Large Flagship Websites

Large websites are different from the small niche websites. They aren't written only for the search engines, but are wired specifically for people. The goal is to get a large following of people to read the website. These readers will give you a huge level of traffic every day.

An example would be my How to Make Money Online website. My biggest money-making page is the affiliate page, where I help others make a few hundred per day who aren't looking to actually create a website.

You make money specifically by selling products, placing ads on the website, etc. You don't make much per visitor, but the theory is that with enough traffic, you can still pull a profit.

The idea is that you generate traffic by writing and publishing fantastic content every single day. Some blogs publish literally 5-10 articles per day, trying to shock and awe the Internet into gathering them a great income and following.

-It takes a lot more work
-It takes more time to succeed
-The competition is usually worse
-But the payoff can be lucrative

This is where most people earn millions online -- by publishing a flagship website in a competitive and high-paying niche.


There you have it. If you are willing to work harder to get the money, a flagship website might be for you. Of course, if you're just starting out a niche website is probably the best bet. I have used both and both methods work just as well in the long run -- it's really just up to you.


Start Making Your Living Online

As somewhat of an Internet marketer myself I’m always looking for the good way to make money online. I’ve tried my hand in a lot of the different trades but the only problem is motivating yourself. More often than not internet marketing forces you to learn new skills, talk to different people and keep working even when there’s no end in sight.

Recently however, an amazing Internet opportunity has popped up. Tim Lowe one of the all-time successful Internet marketers is going to open up a membership website. Tim’s estimated online income is about 40 000 – 100 000 USD per month. I can’t imagine what doors are going to be opened once he opens up his site to the general public, and I’m just glad that I’ll be in on this huge insider secret.

This membership website is designed especially for people who need to make money on the Internet. The website is coming up shortly but because Tim Lowe is in such demand (currently in the middle of the 2009 joint workshop) he already started a priority waiting list.

Since his main membership site isn’t up all we can rely on is his temporary site at for information. To give you the gist of things Tim Lowe membership site is offering everything you need to start making money online including:

  • A new professional website every month
  • 100 of products you can choose from to promote
  • Updated videos and training resources that teach you the success strategies and techniques
  • And much more……
I think everyone is feeling a little excited after reading this including myself. This man is re-defining Internet marketing; he’s offering us the complete information and tools to start earning money online! In two week time, Tim’s membership site is going to be launched. But to ensure you get the immediate notification just after the site launched and join in successfully, sign up for his priority waiting list now at:

Imagine sitting on a warm beach just watching the waves gently crash against the shore, while sipping on ice cold drinks and scrunching up finely ground up sand with your toes. This could be you because Tim’s offering you the chance to make enormous amounts of money. Don’t let this pass you by!

Tim’s offering to build an Internet home business for you each month and you will not be working alone. Tim and his team will guide you and give all the support you need to get started on the Internet. As spots are limited in the membership site, if you are interested in this opportunity, sign up for his priority waiting list now to guarantee you get a spot when the site opened.


High Quality Customer Base for Surefire Affiliate Marketing Success

Building up a valuable email list is the very first step on the road to successful affiliate marketing. As an intelligent affiliate marketing, you are not resuming to send out numerous emails to a bunch of ordinary email addresses. It is preferable and more efficient to send emails to targeted prospects. Follow the next 4 tips to professionally build up a high quality email list.

- Build your landing page
A landing page is among the most efficient and successful tools in affiliate marketing. A landing page enables you to gather email addresses of prospects interested in your products or in what you have to offer. One method to get those email addresses is to offer them something for free. Among the things you can offer them for free are for example, online courses, e-books or special reports closely related to the targeted niche market.

- Redirect Subscribers to your Affiliate’s Link
Normally, you are waiting and wishing for your visitors to click on your affiliate links! You could eliminate that by redirecting them via your landing page to your affiliate site. However, this is considered to be a pushy marketing method that many visitors just hate, because they want to decide whether to click on your link or not.

It is preferable to use this method, if your affiliate website has for example related articles that are not considered spam. Instead, if you are marketing a particular niche market, that is well-known for detesting spam, it is recommended to simply place a link to your affiliate website.

- Efficiently manage your follow-up emails
It is essential to know how to distribute the emails you send out in a week, with maximum efficiency. You should not send message to your email list too frequently, as you will just irritate them, being considered spam and put on a blocked list. For best results, it is highly recommended to have a break of three or four days between your messages. It is also wise to have your messages contain something useful and valuable. You will not reach far as an affiliate marketer with clear advertising messages.

- Test your Landing Page’s efficiency
It is recommended to change from time to time the content of your landing page, as they are not normally ranked by the different search engines. You should build a couple of different landing pages and use them in rotation to evaluate how well are the visitors responding to them, which one of them have a higher response rate. Experiment different keywords and visual elements. Affiliate marketing specialists are saying that straightforward landing pages with professional look are producing the best results.

The above tips have to be taken in consideration when planning to build up your very own email list containing a valuable prospects list to use a long time fro now on for your successful long term business. Learn how to use it, apply it in your strategy and you will see the superior results.


Twitter or Blogging

Rather than being faced with the choice of whether to use a blog or social networking to promote your website, service or product there is another solution. You can have both your blog and twitter run simultaneously as twitter is mainly a micro blogging site. Twitter supports tweets of user posts on any topic with a maximum of 140 characters and thus can never replace original blogs. A smart internet marketing strategy is to announce to your followers that your original blog had been updated by tweet and derive SEO benefit from combining the use of both platforms.

Now with a basic understanding of what the site is all about, let’s see what is achievable with twitter. After signing up at twitter, update your profile page with your information and website link. You can start posting posts and make it act like a mini advertising blog. You can post at any minute of the day and your post gets updated instantly. Follow fellow bloggers of your niche, can meet new people, post and Retweet other interesting news that you want to share with you followers. Hence the term social networking where members can use the work of others users to help their own profile and marketing agenda.

A good suggestion is to maintain good relationships with fellow twitter users and use it to improve your communication skills. Not even an internet connection is not necessarily needed because twitter has a feature that enables you receive tweets to your mobile and you can also update your posts through your mobile and even IM.

The most common mistakes people make while using twittering are, using auto DM (direct message) feature in the wrong way, spamming the inbox of followers, mass following, posting tweets only to promote their business, not using real profile pictures or vague profile information. Avoid these errors in order to achieve maximum potential from social networking media like twitter.

Irrespective of the increasing widespread usage of twitter, there are also some limitations to twitter. The 140 characters limited text support in each individual post id is obviously the major one. This does not allow posting of very detailed or descriptive posts and also, you are further restricted to using simple code structure to reply to your tweets.

The key to micro blogging is people learning creativity and to be able to appeal to readers from what is only a summarization of the information they wish to convey. For those that master this skill then twitter is going to be amazingly effective for internet marketing purposes. Write short and catchy posts and you can find people retweeting your posts if it’s interesting. Twitter can also be used with most of the IM clients such as yahoo and Google talk. All you need to do is with the help of a few tools, add the id in your friend list and whenever you send an IM, it gets updated as the post to your twitter account.

After time spent in the building followers stage this will now help provide instant promotion to a highly niche targeted list. Twitter can be used for any purpose but always remember to respond to tweets, update your posts, follow people and make good conversation with followers.


Make Money Online by Referring Internet Users to Use HotelsCombined Search Engine

Online there’s tons of money to be made through various product promotions, companies and affiliations. The great thing about online affiliate programs is that you don’t put any money down. If you bring results to your affiliate program you will see the money starts piling in. Recently while searching for my next source of income I came upon Affiliate Program.

I was unsure of the entire process at first but after reading the FAQ it started to come together. is a search engine that lets Internet users to find hotels in many different locations in the world. For every visitor you bring to that clicks through to any travel site listed in, you get 70% commission from the revenue generated.

I wasn’t particularly amazed at first because I’d seen these programs all over the place but I kept reading. Not only do they offer the highest commission out of all such programs but they also provide the largest database online. Their search engine archives over 200,000 hotels in 20,000 different destinations across 195 countries, simply amazing.

It was at this point that my heart began to race; I understood the potential of such a find. This wasn’t going to be a very tough thing to promote. In fact there is no sell involving in making money with this hotel affiliate program. All you do is send visitors to use HotelsCombined to find hotels and visit travel sites. You will make money every time a visitor visits a travel site in to get more details about the hotel that they are looking for. This search engine is without a doubt one of the best, it wasn’t a matter of twisting the truth and tricking people into coming here it was just simply showing them what they were missing out on.

The thing that’s great about is that they pay you for repeat visits. Their 12 month cookies ensure you get paid for all your visitor that comes back to HotelsCombined and click through the traveling sites.

How to direct visitors from your site to

HotelsCombined provide all the tools you need to turn your website into a powerful and strong re-director towards them. They have banners, scripts, deep text links, custom search boxes, data feed and more that you can put them on your site to direct your visitors to HotelsCombined. And each of these marketing tools is highly customizable in terms of size, color and layout.

Another great aspect is their tracking system. They have a reliable, faster or efficient tracking system for you to monitor your performance. Good result comes from tracking and effort on optimization. With the data from the tracking system, you will know what marketing tools are most effective for directing visitors to HotelsCombined and the best locations for displaying the HotelsCombined ads on your site.

If you’re fed up with programs that don’t pay on time, ask for too much, can’t be trusted or don’t even provide the best services then you should switch to They know their program is great; in fact they even recommend you sign up for other affiliate programs just so you can rest assured yourself. It’s written right there in their FAQ!

I’d definitely recommend this to anyone looking to make money online using a trusted, secure and reliable affiliate program. Especially those who run traveling or hotel websites, this affiliate program is definitely worth a test. Who know it might become your biggest source of online income.


Make Money using Google Adwords and Clickbank

Out of the different ways to make money online, the most popular one is affiliate marketing. It involves promoting and selling different products for which you are an affiliate. There are hundreds of affiliate networks available. Of these, the most popular network is Clickbank. Clickbank is the largest market place for digital products like e books and electronic services like web hosting. There are both publishers and affiliates.

Publishers are those who have there own products to be promoted by the affiliates. Affiliates are the ones who promote the publishers' products and earn commission on each sale. Different techniques may be used to promote the affiliate products. Out of these, 'Pay Per Click' advertising like Google Adwords is the most effective one as it can deliver immediate results. A combination of Google Adwords and Clickbank may be used to build a successful online business.

Signing up with Clickbank as an affiliate is easy and takes only a few minutes. After signing up, go to the 'Clickbank Marketplace' where there are thousands of products which you can promote as an affiliate. The products are ranked according to a system which takes into account the conversion rates and similar other factors. Look for products which have high demand in the market and offer good commissions. After you select your product, get the affiliate link which you have to promote. When people click on this link, they will be taken to the product's home page and if they make any purchase from there, you earn a commission, which is generally a percentage of the price of the product.

There are different ways to promote your affiliate link. The most popular way is to use 'Pay Per Click' advertising like Google Adwords. Before you start using Adwords, you have to open an account with it. You will also need a credit card. While writing the ad text, you must follow the editorial guidelines of Google. You must do some keyword research to find out the relevant keywords which can attract some traffic from the search engines. These keywords should be used in your ads. After you submit your ad, it has to go through a review process before it goes live. While using Adwords, the best thing is to start small. Spend a small amount each day to find out which ad brings the best returns. Monitor the results and continue with the successful ads. Start small and work your way up slowly to success.


Drive Traffic to a Blog

As the phrase ‘make money online’ becoming more popular now days, there are a lot opportunities available on the net for public to join. Many people get caught with the phrase because they always thought it is easy as it sound but the true is not. A lot of work and effort must be done before you can get what you are looking for.

Anyway, the simple and basic strategic for every business is to bring as many customers as we can because no matter how good is our product without customer it is nothing. In this case traffics are our main objective. I am not going to talk about SEO or how to be on the first page of organic search but I am going to discuss about how to bring in traffics to your blog using tools other than the organic search. There a many ways but below are a few that I feel most popular and effective way that will generate traffics to your blog.

Pay per click
This is an Internet advertising program that applies on search engines, advertising networks, and content sites, such as blogs or website, in which advertisers pay only when their ad is clicked. With a proper keyword and budget setting, pay per click can be very useful tools to drive traffics and eventually generating money. Example of pay per click advertising program is Google Adwords.

Social networking website
No money needed but yet still manage to drive in a huge amount of traffics to your blog. I have made a quick search on one largest and most popular social networking website Facebook and have found there are more than 20 million people in United Kingdom have sign up for Facebook.

Tell a friend
Don’t forget that by sending a marketing email is also a good way to promote your blog. Tell a friend is a tool that will allow your visitors to promote your blog on your behalf. If the contents of your blog are interesting, useful and informative, people will recommend to others using tell a friend tool and your will see that your blog spreading like a wild fire. Socialtwist is a good example of tell a friend

Actually there are many more ways to generate traffics other than be on the first page of an organic search. Eager to be on the first page sometime make people forgot about other opportunities to generate traffics.


Make Money Online at

A new site called has emerged for webmasters and beginners to use as a reference in finding ideal online money making opportunities. In general they offer independent, editorial, and user reviews on the variety of opportunities to make money online, such as affiliate and pay per click programs. The editorial reviews are in-depth evaluations of an opportunity with each aspect of the program being individually rated and scored. Users can also rate the opportunities based on their experiences and write reviews to expose the scammers or highlight the profitable. Independent reviews, elsewhere on the internet that are deemed to have an honest impartial perspective, are linked to for your convenience.

In addition, a community of money making enthusiast can share and absorb each others experiences through free member blogs and a discussion forum. Contributors of the site are rewarded a number of ways including, contests, paid review contracts, free ebooks, software, and other downloads.


Reviews – MoneyStance has a great reviews format with the opportunity’s claim to start, followed by some quick facts of the program, a video reference, an example of implementation, the editorial review, the independent reviews, the user reviews, and a link to the actual opportunity and internal discussion forum related to that area of making money. As an example see the Chitika Review.

Opportunities – So many have already be archived and reviewed in such a short time, and it is not only online opportunities but also in business, real estate, and personal finance.

Rewards – A contributor rewards system to give back to the participating community.

Community – All the tools are there for a burgeoning community; blogs, forums, reviews, profiles, avatars, signatures, do-follow postings, contests, contributor rewards and points system, contact forms, etc…

Easy Navigation – It is fairly simple to find what type of opportunity you are looking for and which programs have been reviewed. On the home page or top menu, you can click one of the 4 parent categories: Online Money Making Opportunities, Real Estate Money Making Opportunities, Personal Finance & Investing Opportunities, or Business and Entrepreneurial Opportunities and then move onto subcategories; browse directly by the tags in the left sidebar; or by top rated.


Editorial Reviews – These reviews are some of the most detailed I have ever seen, but there are too few of them. However, there are quite a few independent reviews for each opportunity.

Community – The site is still fairly new and the community has yet to be established.

Rewards – There should be more rewards to fully flesh out this incentive program, but the $100 giveaway contest is a great step in the right direction.

Archive – There are thousands upon thousands of opportunities online alone. I assume it will take some time to list them all for review.

Top Rated – Currently, you can not sort the top rated opportunities by tags, only by their parent categories. However, I’ve been told this is in development.


If there is a way to make money, aside from illegal activities and gambling, has a reviewed opportunity or resource for it. I give MoneyStance an 8 out of 10, but with the future potential to be a 9 or better. I can see this site becoming an authority on what money making opportunities webmasters choose to deploy on their sites as well as those seeking other endeavors.


Know about Internet Marketing Tools

Marketing is a basic need for any business to flourish and expand. Internet is the easiest, fastest and the most effective way of making people aware of your organization and your products and thus increasing or expanding potential sales opportunities of the product.

Thus, Internet marketing can be summed up as a process of providing information about your organization and its product and also taking feedback from the users about their preferences and their needs, using internet as a medium.

Many people, who own a business, usually launch their own website in order to promote their products and business. But, after starting the website, one thing that you will discover is that there is low traffic or initially no traffic at all. This means there is a need for good Internet marketing tool. Under are some of the best tools with the help of which you can improve and support the marketing objectives of your business online.

Website Blog: Blogs are one of the best internet marketing tools. Blogging is very effective in attracting visitors towards your website and to share their personal thoughts, ideas and experiences. Blogs should have some basic elements like a proper name and category so that blogs can be easily classified, which helps in further easy navigation through the various blogging topics. It should welcome comments from the users thus helping in achieving proper feedback from the users.

Pay-Per-Click Marketing: In this marketing tool, price is paid to the search engine providers with a view that when a user enters and searches some keyword prominent in your ad or article, he/she can view your ad and may click on it. In this way, traffic to your website can be increased. Cost involved in this strategy depends upon the traffic visiting your website.

Search Engine Optimization: Search Engine optimization is similar to Pay-Per-Click marketing tool. The only difference is that it is less expensive, as it requires you to pay an initial cost and later small overhead cost. With that, you can enjoy greater traffic. There is no need to pay according to the traffic visiting your site. The only drawback in this tool is that, if you do not use an effective keyword, you may not attract traffic as desired.


Write Compelling Sales Letters for Any Online Business

Sales letters are still a very effective way to generate demand for all sorts of products or services. This is especially true if you already have an opt-in list. However, everyone knows that most people don't like receiving sales pitches in their emails. For your sales letter to be effective in generating demand for the products and services of your online business, there are a couple of steps for you to follow.

Step #1: Determine Your Objective

Before you begin composing your sales letter, be sure you have a clear notion of what your objective is. Think about what exactly you want to communicate and what you hope to achieve with your sales letter.

Step #: Consider Your Target Market

As an online business owner, you should already know the demographics and psychographics of your own target market. Consider their needs and preferences before you begin writing your sales letter. This will help you determine how best to communicate with them.

Step #3: Come Up with a Catch Phrase

Think of a catch phrase that would best describe what you have to offer. Make this the first thing that your reader will see upon opening your sales letter. By making your catch phrase immediately visible, you are more likely to capture the interest of your readers and entice them to read on. A short testimonial may work as well. Just be sure that your catch phrase or your testimonial describes how people can benefit from what you have to offer.

Step #4: Introduce Your Online Business

The next step is to introduce your online business and the purpose of its existence. Take note that it is not your goal to boast about your online business but to detail your objectives in terms of helping other people out. For example, it is better to write about how your online business has helped other entrepreneurs to be successful than about how much profits you generate in a year. Detail the issues of your target market and how it is the goal of your online business to address those issues. Remember that your readers want to know how they can benefit from patronizing your company and not how you are more successful than they are.

Step #5: Describe Your Products and Services

Once you've introduced your online business appropriately, it would be time to introduce the specific products and services that would help solve the issues you've described. Make this part of your sales letter short but be sure it details what benefits your readers can gain from your products and services.

Step #6: Persuade Your Readers to Take Action

At the end of your sales letter, be sure to include a call-to-action statement so your readers will be prompted to make a purchase or, at least, visit your website. To make your call-to-action stronger, you may want to include a time-limited promo. Doing this will encourage your readers to take action quickly.

By following the steps detailed above, you can easily develop effective sales letters for your online business. Once you send it out to your mailing list, you will quickly generate the demand you need for your online business to succeed.


7 Tips About How to Increase Your Backlinks

Traffic from search engine is the main source of traffic this days and to get more traffic from search engines you should be ranked high and for this well SEO is needed. When it comes to SEO[search engine optimization], getting other websites to link to your website is the most important factor in achieving top search engine rankings. Here are 10 link building strategies listed which surely help you for top search engine rankings:

1. Quality Article Is Must – Write quality articles that other websites will want to post on their websites and link to. The higher the quality of the article, the more one-way links you’ll get. The best articles to write are ‘how-to’ and informational articles.

2. Google loves wordpress blogs – Setup a Wordpress blog on your website and post articles to it once per week. It’s a great way to build the size of your website, keep your website content fresh and get incoming links. Plus Google loves Wordpress!

3. Promote your articles online – Take the articles that you’ve posted to your blog and syndicate them on article directories such as Ezine Articles and Go Articles, so that other website owners can post them on their websites.

4. Website or blog directories also help – Submit your website to free SEO friendly website directories for a quick way to start building one-way links to your website.

5. Link exchange with relevant blogs – Exchange links with high quality, relevant websites in your field. This can be extremely powerful, as long as you are very selective with whom you exchange links with.

6. Submit to social bookmarking sites – Submit your blog posts and other high value content to social bookmarking sites such as Digg, Reddit and StumbleUpon. Aside from the one-way link you’ll get and the (short-term) top Google ranking, you can hit the ‘jackpot’ by getting to the first page of, where you’ll receive thousands of one-way links.

7. Commenting on blogs with same niche – Post high value comments on other blogs in your niche to spark discussion. Even if the comments are ‘nofollowed’, you can still get links to your site from other bloggers that refer to your posts.

I think these tips really gonna help you. If you have any suggestions or comments or questions post below.


Make Money Online Without Spending Money

In the business world, you are required to spend money in other to get more money. This separates the serious business owners from the non-serious ones. But having an online business is different from the traditional business. In the online business, you can use a blog and make money from it. You don't have to spend money hosting your blog or to pay for any service. If you want to make money online without spending any money, these are what you should do.

1. Get a free blog:- Any one would work just fine, but the blog of most internet marketers is blogger. This is easy to create and set up. You would have to decide if you want to make money with contextual ads or through affiliate program. After you have decided what you want to do, you would go to blogspot and publish the post you have written.

2. Get Traffic to the Blog:- After publishing your blog post, the next thing you want to do is to get traffic to the blog because traffic, your blog is like a fish swimming in the pacific ocean. Without traffic, your blog is another blog that is in the blogosphere that no one knows about. You can get traffic by commenting on other people's blog, being active in forums, doing article marketing and social bookmarking. All these methods are free. They just require your time.

3. Track Your Traffic:- When you see that you are getting traffic to the blog, install a tracking code to see where your visitors are coming from. There are many free tracking codes to use on your blog. Check where the traffic is coming from and capitalize on that traffic. By this I mean you would continue doing what you were doing to bring more of that traffic. If you are getting traffic and you are not making any money yet, that means that you have the wrong traffic. Check your traffic stats again and see where the second source of traffic is coming from. Put more effort so that you get more of that traffic and maybe you might start making money money.

Making money with contextual ads such as adsense needs more work. It required you to get traffic from search engine to get clicks on the ads. Affiliate marketing is much easier because if you do article marketing, people would find your article from search engine and click to your blog. If you have more articles that they like, they might click on your affiliate link and buy a product you recommended. It is easier for search engine bots to see and index your article on article sites than them to index your blog because your blog don't have much authority like the article site. It would take a while for your site to reach that type of authority.


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